Product Attributes & Specifications

Extract detailed Product Attribute Data from plain text

With the ability to automatically detect over 6,000 unique types of defined Product Attributes from any kind of unstructured multilingual texts, we can extract and deliver detailed datasets for most types of products. This normalized data makes the products possible to filter, sort and compare on your own systems.

Compared to manually extracting this data it saves a tremendous amount of work and leads to significant cost savings.

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Technical Specifications makes purchasing decisions easier

A clearly structured technical specification makes the customer more confident, and makes it easier to make an informed purchase decision. For each product category, Shopedia has up to 150 structured technical specifications, providing very detailed information of each product.

Since the attribute data is normalized it can be used to filter and sort products in any way you like on your website. This will make it easier for your customers to find the preferred product and increase your sales.

Powered by the aggregated Shopedia Product Database

By matching your product's GTINs (also called EAN or GS1 numbers) to our aggregated Shopedia Product Database of over 100 million products, you always get a richer and more accurate set of data than what can be detected in a single product. You can also lookup product specifications using only the GTIN. 

Extract Product Manufacturer & Model data

The system automatically detects detailed product name and model data from plain text. For example Manufacturer (“Apple”), Family (“iPhone”), Model Code “16”, Model Suffix (“Pro Max”), Model Version (“v2”), Model Generation (“Gen.4”), Model Year (“2024”) and Manufacturer Part Number (“MYNK3HX/A”).

Close to 50,000 defined manufacturers are currently present in the Shopedia Database. We also detect the Unique Product Model (“Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra”) including a Unique Product Model ID in order to group same model products together.

Simple-to-use Pre-formatted JSON Data-Sheets

If your system does not support the extensive Attribute Data-Values we can deliver - you can opt to receive technical data-sheets as pre-formatted JSON with just text instead (as header, label, value). This makes it easy to output a technical specification sheet wherever you want to show it.

Smart detection of Brands and Trademarks UNIQUE

Shopedia features an extensive detection of brands, trademarks and persons such as;

  • Brands and Movies (like Marvel, Star Wars, The Lion King) 
  • Characters (like Batman, Mickey Mouse) 
  • Artists/Actors/Athletes (like Taylor Swift, Harrison Ford, Michael Jordan) 
  • Authors (like Astrid Lindgren, Stephen King) 
  • Directors (like Stephen Spielberg, Ridley Scott) 
  • Objects (like Millenium Falcon, Eiffel Tower, Infinity Stones)

More than 12,000 ”Brandings” are currently defined in the Shopedia database.

Try our Product Categorization & Enrichment Demo

Let us show you the strengths of the Shopedia platform in this Demo where you can test to categorize and enrich your own product information.