All-In-One AI Product Categorization & Enrichment Platform

Are incorrect Product Categorization and poor Product Content keeping your sales down?

Spike sales and customer experience with refined product content. The all-in-one Shopedia AI Categorization & Enrichment Platform generates sales-driven product content and data in multiple languages. This also enables online businesses to localize to multiple target market at a low cost.

By merging with aggregated data from the Shopedia Product Database of more than 100 million products and the use of elaborate AI text generation, you can produce world-class selling content in an instant.

Four core features – one powerful platform
Product AI Categorization
  • Features automatic AI Product Categorization using both Texts, Images and GTINs for optimal accuracy
  • Maps products to the most extensive Product Taxonomy in the world (100,000+ categories)
  • Supports major digital commerce platforms (Google Shopping, Amazon Marketplace, Shopify, Harmonized System, etc.)
  • Can be automatically matched to your Custom Category Structure
Product Relations & Grouping UNIQUE
  • Automatically finds related Accessory and Spare Part Products from plain text
  • Finds and groups Product Variants (by color, size etc) for optimized product listings and shopping experience
  • Identifies identical duplicate products with Product Merging Group ids.
Product Attributes & Specifications UNIQUE
  • Automaticly extracts detailed and accurate Product Attributes from unstructured text
  • Detects Manufacturer and unique Product Model information
  • Get extensive Technical Specifications as normalized data for filtering and sorting
  • Or easy to use JSON pre-formatted technical data-sheets
Product AI Text Generation
  • Offers AI Text Generation to produce Unique Product Titles and Descriptions
  • Generates texts in multiple output languages for cost-effective localization
  • Uses Aggregated Data to produce rich SEO-friendly and selling product texts
  • Replaces poorly auto-translated texts with well crafted content
  • Brings out your specific brand voice through elaborate AI prompt and tonality settings

Easy integration using standard feeds and files

Integrate seamlessly with your current systems by our standard Feed, File and API integrations. We support several input and output formats such as XML, JSON and CSV. If you have special needs we can also offer custom made solutions. With automated feeds that upload your new products and return the new enriched content you will have constant access to the latest information. Maintaining an edge in the market.

Get automatic updates as the data keeps evolving

The training of the Shopedia platform as well as the information in the Shopedia Product Database is constantly evolving, and therefore your products are also continuously re-analysed and all the new updates are instantly returned to you. Since the accuracy of our aggregated data will always outperform single-source data, this makes a strong competitive advantage.

Your data is always safe and accessible

With our monthly subscription model all of your enriched product data is stored securely in the Shopedia platform. This means you can download your already bought data any way you want, as many times as you need. For commercial operations it is a reassurance that the data is kept safe and is always available.

Try our Product Categorization & Enrichment Demo

Let us show you the strengths of the Shopedia platform in this Demo where you can test to categorize and enrich your own product information.